The Pumping Equation™
The Pumping Equation™ is vital to reaching your pumping goals. If one of these is off then it can be more difficult to reach your pumping goals. Here is what you need to know:
✅ You need an efficient breast pump that can empty you well. If you are having to manual pump or hand express and getting over an ounce after pumping, this may be a sign that you should book a session.
✅ You need to know you flange size and be properly fitted with your flange as soon as possible. Continuing to use the wrong flange size can cause nipple trauma, pain/discomfort, your body can get use to the wrong size, and more. If you are using the flange size that came with your pump, nipple stretching to back of flange, areola being pulled in flange, then this may be a sign that you should book a session.
✅ You need the right pumping products to help you on your journey. Pumping products are not created equal and the products you need can differ from other people you ask. If you are in any pain while pumping or not emptying well it still feel full, this may be a sign that you should book a session.
✅ You need a schedule that you can be consistent and sustainable that will help you to reach your pumping goals. If you are going too long between pumping sessions then it signals to your body that you need less milk abs your body will reabsorb the milk and down regulate your supply. If you are not consistent or have issues keeping your schedule and want extra tips and tricks to save you time and stress, this may be a sign that you should book a session.
Our Premier Pumping Consults™ are lactation counseling services with a focus on breast pumping that help you survive your pumping journey and teach you how to pump based on your body. We teach you to increase your milk supply through recommendations on the right pump, flange, products and schedule as well as effectively, efficiently, frequently, and consistently draining your breast of available milk that is ready to come out and bringing in your doctor to check for underlying concerns. Book a consult or contact us below with any questions about our services.
Our counseling services help you survive your pumping journey. We can advise on the best settings for personalized breast pumping options, that are within your comfort zone and can optimize your milk supply. We can counsel you on adjustments that can be made based on your body and how it's reacting, including a pumping session, so that you can avoid nipple or breast pain, avoid them damaging your milk supply, and other personal advice helping you with this process. In addition, we can provide counseling about feeding times, storage options, and even travel advice. Please book a consult or contact us and we will be glad to provide more information about these counseling services to you.