The Truth about C-sections
It's important to heal any feelings of sadness or disappointment if birth did not go as planned. Understand the OBGYN practice and hospital's c-section rates. You should still do skin-to-skin immediately after birth. Room-in or have the baby stay in your room around the clock.
The type of anesthetic used during cesarean surgery can directly affect breatfeeding. Talk with your care team. If separated from the baby, have your partner go with the baby until you recover. If you need pain relief for incision pain or uterine cramping, check with your doctor, Infant Risk, or LactMed to ensure the medications are compatible with breastfeeding.
Pumping soon after birth and thereafter will normalize your milk production, prevent engorgement, and collect valuable colostrum and milk which can be given to your baby when they are able to eat. Let loved ones know you need to recover from childbirth and surgery.
Even if milk supply is delayed, it will transition in and having a premier pumping plan is always best. You can still pump after c-section and gain full supply and oversupply.
Are you having a c-section and want to make sure you are prepared for your pumping journey? Book a Premier Pumping Consult today!