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Nursing & Pumping

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Best way to increase supply??? My baby is 5 months and constantly wants more and more milk.

9 weeks post partum, and even with baby gaining, I’m super anxious always about my milk supply

How bad is it if I take a few days to only pump so I see what my supply is?

Is baby likely to refuse the breast after that?

Sep 24, 2024

Hi. If breastfeeding has been established then it is not likely that baby will refuse breast if you plan to only pump for a few days. There are days where I am not able to nurse my baby and I only pump. Baby is able to accept the breast when next it is offered however will not stay at the breast long enough for a full feed, so is gradually growing to prefer bottle over breast but doesn’t refuse the breast when offered. Since this may be a one-off thing for you, chances of something similar happening with your baby is unlikely. In my case, this has happened repeatedly with me and baby over the past 5 months (I’m 23 weeks pp)

An alternative way to check is to follow your normal pumping schedule. At 9 weeks, I’m assuming you’re emptying the breasts every 3 hours since supply is still being established around this time. Then, at any time of the day that you choose, replace one pumping session with a direct feeding. Remember to pump immediately after to completely remove milk if baby does not empty breasts. Since you only removed one pumping session just to make sure baby is able to nurse, you should be able to estimate easily how many ounces you produce over a 24-hour period. This works great if your pumping schedule and baby’s feeding is aligned.

hello ladies, I am having trouble with my son sleeping in his crib at night. He is my third and he’s the first one that I have breastfeed without issues. He’s always crying and is either up all night or wakes up a lot during the night. He sleeps longer when he sleeps with me but he needs to use me as a human pacifer. He doesn’t like pacifier’s we have try using 3 different ones. As adorable as he is I would love my space when sleeping lol does anyone have tips?

In the same boat. I have found it’s easier to transfer my baby in the middle of the night. So i start off with him in my bed and when he wakes up to feed i go to my rocking chair, feed him, rock him till he’s actually asleep and then put him in his crib. He’ll sleep a lot longer after for some reason.

Hello, Second time mom. On my second nursing/pumping journey. My baby is 10 months old. We exclusively breastfeed for 9 months. Now that we have started daycare I am pumping during the day while he is away. My first nursing/pumping journey was very stressful because I had no idea what to do. The second time I feel like a natural. My unsolicited advice - Take care of your body, when you think you need to pump you probably do.


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